Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Releases for the First Half of 2020 – 1/7

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly tag hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl. Check out the link for a list of upcoming prompts, and join us in the fun!

This week’s TTT prompt is Most Anticipated New Releases for the First Half of 2020. Narrowing this down to just 10 was a challenge, but we got there in the end 😉

Aurora Burning by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff

Aurora Burning

First off, Holy Cover Love, Batman! Kal is the young-Rowan-Whitethorn-in-space that I didn’t even know I needed until Aurora Rising, and the fact that his broody face graces this cover is LIFE. Also, worth noting that he is voiced by Steve West in the audiobook of AR. *swoon*

I adored Aurora Rising (I did a full review here, if you want to check that out) and have been anxiously awaiting this sequel since I closed the book after my first read. Things left off on a cliffhanger, after the sort of soul-crushing series of events that Amie and Jay so love to torture us with. I already have my copy on order, am SO READY if any special edition boxes come out (please please please!!!), and will be reading it ON RELEASE DAY.

Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare

Chain of GoldOkay, so I know I said this about the last one, but OMG THIS COVER! 2020 is bring its A-Game to cover art and I am here for it! I adore the covers of all the Shadowhunter books and Lady Midnight has one of my fave covers ever, but this one has surpassed them all! LOOK AT IT!

Cover aside, I am THRILLED for a new Shadowhunter series. The Infernal Devices holds so much of my heart, and to have a series that focuses on Will and Tessa’s children is like a dream come true. I love the world that Cassie has built here, and I love even more that we keep getting more of it. My collection already overflows the shelf it lives on (which is on my widest bookcase, too) and I know I will end up with multiple editions of this one. I suppose the time is nigh for it to get expanded space!

Ruthless Gods by Emily A Duncan

Ruthless GodsI got Wicked Saints last year when it was the OwlCrate pick of the month, and it sat on my shelf for few months before I picked it up – as is tradition, of course. As always, I instantly wished I had read it sooner, because I loved it! A unique magic system, broody boys, and tons of atmosphere are the perfect combo. You can find my full review here.

I already have my copy of this on pre-order (something I did the second I finished the first book), and can’t wait for it to release! I’m also super loving the cover, especially since it goes PERFECTLY with the OwlCrate edition of Wicked Saints – even more so than the original cover, imho. Little know fact about me, but I love a pretty cover. 😉

Ashlords by Scott Reintgen

AshlordsRed Rising meets The Scorpio Races?! Phoenix horses?!?!?! SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY!!! Admittedly, I haven’t read any of Scott’s other books, nor have I read The Scorpio Races (…I’m not a huge fan of Maggie’s writing style *hides*), but you cannot put Red Rising in the same sentence as “phoenix horse” and not expect me to freak the eff out. Also, THAT COVER THO.

There is literally not a single part of the description for this book that does not makes me NEED it in my life. I, of course, already have my copy on order and luckily this one comes out later this month!

Heart of Flames by Nicki Pau Preto

Heart of FlamesWhile we are on the topic of phoenixes, how about this fiery sequel?! Crown of Feathers was such a great book and I am SO ready for the sequel! We left things off with a pretty huge reveal and all sorts of crazy shit going down, and I can’t even.

I loved the multiple POVs in CoF, and am excited to get back to all of the characters in the next installment. Fortunately this is an early February release, so I don’t have long to wait!

I’m also super lucky to be on the Street Team for this series, and that has been awesome!

Of Curses and Kisses by Sandhya Menon

Of Curses and KissesI adore all things Sandhya Menon. I really love a great YA contemporary, but I am also super picky about them. Sandhya is one of my few auto-buy authors and everything she touches is wonderful! This book is the first in an interconnected collection of retellings, and brings us Beauty and the Beast! I have actually gotten to read this already (yay Street Team!!!) and can confirm that it is awesome!

I haven’t done a full review yet, as I have been waiting for things to get a little closer to the release day, but you can definitely expect to see that soon! It comes out February 18th and there *is* a pre-order campaign here!

The Empire of Dreams by Rae Carson

The Empire of DreamsThe Girl of Fire and Thorns trilogy is one of those super under-appreciated and truly awesome series that everyone needs to check out. The first book released in 2011 and so it sort of just missed the emergence of bookish social media, which in this day and age can help make or break a book. It needs so much love! So when Rae announced a standalone novel set in the same universe, I was ALL about that!

From the description, it sounds like we will see all of our old favorite characters again, which is fab! I am definitely going to reread the original trilogy before this releases in April, and have already been buying the updated covers so they match this gem!

House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J Maas

House of Earth and BloodNGL, I am really over here dying for news about ACOTAR4, but I am still excited for this new series by SJM. I adore both of her current series and I’m pumped to see what an Adult categorization can free her up to do (I mean…ACOMAF Chapter 55…amiright?). Plus it seems like it has a total Shadowhunters meets ACOTAR vibe going on, what with the contemporary setting with demons and fae. I’m here for it.

So, not to get repetitive about gorgeous covers, but LOOK AT AT. While the typography layout is weird, I am totally in love with the actual illustration. Fortunately, the pre-order incentive for this is a poster of the original art which is STUNNING! Check it out here!

Dark Skies by Danielle L. Jensen

Dark SkiesI have long been a fan of Danielle’s work and Dark Shores was no exception! Following the trend of cover love, these books have simple but SUPER attractive covers. The more you look, the more details you notice! I am also a big fan of the purple here!

The important thing to know about this book is that the story follows two characters and runs the SAME timeline as Dark Shores. Think Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn. While I am anxious to see where our original duo are at, I am also excited to get a deeper picture of the world. It just means book three will be even more epic!

I did a full review which you can check out here.

My Calamity Jane by “The Lady Janies”

My Calamity JaneIf you haven’t read either of the other Jane books (My Lady Jane and My Plain Jane), then you are missing out!!! Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, and Jodi Meadows (aka The Lady Janies) have teamed up to give us these hilarious retellings of some of history’s most famous Janes. This installment will follow Calamity Jane, the infamous cowgirl. I always laugh SO much while reading these, and I cannot wait to see what they bring with My Calamity Jane.

These are standalones, but if you missed the first two, check them out now! My Lady Jane follows Lady Jane Grey, while My Plain Jane retells the story of Jane Eyre and her friend Charlotte Bronte. These books are so clever and tongue-in-cheek!

What are your Top Ten Most Anticipated?! Tell me in the comments below, or drop your TTT link!

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